The Transformation Programme

5 weeks to identify what your biggest challenges are - and transform them.

This is the programme where we get clear on where you’re:

  • Overwhelmed

  • Lacking clarity

  • Feeling stuck

We then stop trying to think of the reasons why - and work with your subconscious. Working as a team, we gain access to the truth of what’s really happening, and what it’s trying to do for you.

Your mind is always trying to move you from pain towards pleasure, often it’s working with old programming that is irrelevant to the life you are leading now. By going within, we can clear out the past - creating space for you to be present, confident and taking action in the present.

  • "Josephine has utterly and completely changed my life for the best in so many ways. She has taught me how to truly understand myself in order to optimise my mental and physical health."

  • “I feel like I gained a better understanding of my mind, a better connection to my body and how they both work together.”

  • "My overall mindset has completely changed during our time together. Rather than focusing on the negatives, I have learnt from you to turn these negatives into positives. One thing I've also learnt that has truly stuck with me is that ‘nothing is scary, it’s unfamiliar’. This has helped me shift my mindset of many things on so many different occasions and has really helped with anxiety."

  • “The session was so powerful, obviously pretty life changing.  I am so grateful for the session we had.  I have been able to massively relieve my symptoms of PMDD. You were the first person to give me a clearer path and connect all of the dots.  I love the way you approach everything it feels really accessible coming from a really authentic place with all of your lived experience.”

  • "My daughter enjoyed the session SO much and felt so excited and came up to me that night and said, “it feels weird not feeling nervous in my body!” She continues to do really well and we both can tell such a difference in her!"

  • “My favourite aspect was knowing I would be understood; I didn't have to go into the session and explain neurodiversity or PMDD. The time in the session was therefore used to explore other aspects that I normally wouldn't see happening in other types of therapy until a couple of sessions had taken place.”

What can I expect to feel from working with you?

You can expect to feel:

Safe to speak your truth

Confidence in your difference

Proud of your honest self

Happy with your choices

Grounded in your body

Motivated to take action

Purposeful in your daily life

Fearless to make decisions

Pleasure within your relationships

Closer to what you really want

Ready to create evidence of your life as the True You.

I know what it feels like to have ‘tried everything’ and feel you’re lacking the solutions you’ve been seeking for so long.

This programme is designed to work with exceptional, busy minds who hold the audacity to hope that life can be different. That change can occur.

The majority of my clients immediately report feeling calm, focused and gaining the ability to experience clarity on their life. Anxious clients feel centred, depressed clients feel ease, compulsive clients feel a true sense of agency once again.

I am here to meet with you and your consciousness to move what’s blocking you from your success story.

The Transformational Programme includes:

- Emotional clearing and coaching session (1.5hrs)  Removing negative attachments from the past with hypnotherapy, before creating the vision of where you want to move forwards to.

- Transformational therapy session (2.5-3hrs)

This is the deep dive.  Expect calm, ease, understanding, closure and transformation.

- Weekly hypnotherapy: supporting change (1hr)

These 3 sessions consist of reviewing how you feel about your progress - before I provide hypnotherapeutic support (solutions) for what is coming up in your life now.

This format spans 5 weeks - with a lot of supportive space for you to explore, gain confidence and clarity on the transformation you are creating for your life.

Booking Details:

- The 5 week programme is 7.5 hours minimum contact time - with a 25 minute audio created specifically for you to listen to daily during the programme.

- The £750 total can be payed either before we start your intake session - or as a 3 month payment plan

Preparing for Your Session:

- All of my sessions take place via Zoom

- Please ensure that you are within a private space where you feel safe, comfortable and will remain undisturbed

- I recommend either being on a comfortable chair or in bed

- Headphones are a great option to consider

During your programme:

We'll uncover and address the root causes of your challenges, transforming your subconscious to align with your true self and goals.  My intention is to move you towards what you want - feeling safe, supported and confident to lead yourself forwards.

For people looking for longer term support, I also offer 3 month (105 day) programmes.

Please let me know via email should you want long term support at

let’s create your success story together.

Transformational Programme Review:

“Who does your Transformational Programme work for?”

To be so real with you - I’ve worked with everyone from influencers afraid to show up to their 300K+ audience, to builders navigating hostile exes, to women in their seventies experiencing stage 4 breast cancer.

While all of my clients come from very different backgrounds - there’s a running theme within everyone. All of my clients recognise that they’ve done what they can themselves to resolve their issues - and now are seeking long term resolutions.

If we were going to think of the solution, we’d have done it by now. By working with the subconscious we can be direct in our approach to understanding what to do - and achieving transformation.

I recognise the brilliance within all of the clients I am honoured to work alongside - and dedicate all of myself to securing the outcomes they are seeking.

If you are ready to show up, commit and believe in your ability to change your life - I want to work with you.

I love to support visionaries, people who are on a mission and recognise that something is blocking their path. We all know life is not about being easy - while allowing ourselves to receive the support that brings a sense of clarity, ease and achievement to the experience.

Personally I really enjoy working with physical challenges alongside supporting people’s big dreams, desires and missions. What brings you pleasure? How would you like to achieve more of that? Where do you feel purposeful in your life? How would you feel if you could access more of that experience?

I am here to help you take action, resolve the past and feel exceptional as your lead your life forwards. Let’s go.

“What can the Transformational Programme be used to create change for?”

It’s often the case that what people initially book in for is cleared quickly - giving way to reveal the deeper challenges, patterns, thoughts, beliefs or behaviours that are creating issues in clients lives.

With that said - I have worked a lot with the starting points of:


Pre-Menstrual Dysphoria (PMDD)


Clarity and motivation

Abuse recovery

Navigating ADHD


Low to no self esteem

Feeling overwhelmed

Lack of clarity / purpose



Guilt / blame / shame


Fears and phobias (especially emetophobia)

Inability to see the future / images in ones’ mind

Post-Autism realisation support




Eating Disorders