While there is a lot of conversation surrounding social symptoms that are associated with the experiences of ADHD and Autism (alongside other forms of neurodiversity such as depression, anxiety, OCD) - I am really interested in the root causes of these experiences.

Having been acutely unwell and desperately struggling for a long time - I committed to understanding what was fuelling the fire that was my acute symptoms.

A longwinded way of saying: our inputs determine our outputs.

Recent science has decreed that epigenetics do have a hand in our experience of the world, yet it is the environmental factors that discern whether or not certain inherited genes/responeses are expressed.

Enter: our responsibility era.  Responsibility = our ability to respond.  We do have agency and influence over how we feel.  I feel that this is important to understand as so much dogma surrounding mental health especially is very prescriptive and disempowering.


Turn head to your left

Turn head to your right

Notice tensions and how far you can turn

make a pillow with interlaced hands behind your neck as you lie on your back

Look left 30 seconds

Look right 30 seconds

Sit up

Turn left + right

Notice how much further you can turn now

Resets vagus nerve.

5 top tips to action, and explore further:

Emotional clarity and connection

What: hypnosis

Why:  connects you into a space of clarity, ease and peace.  This is the place of flow state, hyperfocus and connection to creativity.

Hypnotherapy is an opportunity to identify where we have got stuck along the way, and clears space to access acceptance, love, and excitement about the lives we are leading.

This is achieved through working with our belief systems (which influence everything) and places us into a position of power in how we perceive, and respond within our lives.

Hypnosis is a natural state of being, sometimes dubbed the alpha/beta/flow state - it feels really good and the results are phenomenal.

By working with the subconscious mind we can edit the patterns that we are existing within.

Everything goes back to our perception - hypnotherapy gives us direct access to aligning ourselves with what we need within our lives today - instead of replaying old patterns that are keeping us sick and stuck.

Look at the light

What: light hygiene.  Accessing natural light before that of screens - ideally viewing sunrise, and blocking artificial light after sunset.

Why: light is a nutrient.

Artificial light throws off our bodies majorly, causing major disruption within the core of who we are.  I grew up addicted to screens, especially late at night.  I cannot tell you how I wish that I had learnt about light hygiene sooner.

Regulated light health that supports your natural function promotes positive everything.

Sunlight is step one when it comes to hormone production - which includes dopamine.

Reducing internal inflammation

What: returning to nature through food.

Why: Our inputs influence our outputs.  Many of us who experience ADHD/Autism also experience gastrointestinal challenges - this is by design as gut health influences literally everything within the body.

If you have been diagnosed/self diagnosed with ADHD/Autism - your diet will be very influential into how you experiences play out - this is great news.

When eating foods that are highly processed, the body struggles to be truly nourished by these foods.  While food is an incredibly personal and nuanced experience, by taking that exploration into how we fuel our bodies we open up so many ways to promote relaxation within ourselves.

Some people choose to avoid all foods that are inflammatory - opting for a ‘whole foods’ approach (meaning: meat, fruit and vegetables)

So many of us have been subconsciously taught to medicate with food (I used to binge eat every day for years) and so working with our inner mind can be incredibly supportive in rebuilding how we nourish our bodies.


What: being aware of when we have grounded our body

Why: we are electrical beings.  The constant outpouring of WiFi and other unnatural sources of EMFs throws off our natural rhythms - causing distress.

While acknowledging that we live in a modern world, by being mindful of what we are exposed to - and how it majorly impacts us - we are asserting our agency over how we feel.

Let’s celebrate you moving into alignment with what will really nourish, excite and expand your experience of life - in a body that is brilliantly set up for your personal definition of success

We are so creative, insightful, curious, thought expanding, intellectual, fascinating - we are allowed to identify, support and complete the reaction cycle of what is keeping you away from what you love and lights you up.

We work best from a place of deep interest - feeling suffocated, inflamed and fogged is the antithesis of that.  This dis-ease is anti-who you are beyond this experience.

Allow these symptoms to be experiences - signs your body is delivering as it asks for support.

“Less of that, I’ll show you through acne and mood swings after you eat it”

“More of this, I’ll create a sense of ease after we engage with this nourishment”


“Why isn’t anyone talking about this?” Effective treatment for PMDD is already here.