Welcome to Hypnotherapy


Welcome in, you've just stumbled upon something pretty extraordinary. I'm Josephine, and this is where the magic happens – in the world of subconscious focused therapy. Why am I so into this? Simple. I believe in the power of ‘me’, and even more so in the untapped power within you. We're talking about a journey of transformation, and guess what? You’re absolutely ready for it.

Diving Deep into Your Inner World

My world revolves around mental health, chronic illnesses, addiction, codependency, and all those moments when you wonder what tomorrow holds (or doesn’t). My own rollercoaster ride – a blend of deep learning, relentless curiosity, and a commitment to finding my truth – has gifted me a toolbox to help you navigate your journey. It's like having a map for those times you feel like you’re at rock bottom.

Building a Powerful Self-Relationship

You know what blew my mind? Learning how to connect with my subconscious and building a relationship with myself that’s grounded, insightful, and ridiculously empowering. If you're feeling disconnected, I’ve got the tools to help you turn that around.

For the Change-Makers and the Tired-of-Being-Sick

If you're sick of the same old story, feeling stuck or stagnant, and you're itching for answers – you've hit the jackpot. I’m all about finding solutions that resonate with you. Think of me as your guide to discovering what feels not just good, but absolutely amazing.

Past, Present, Future: Aligning It All

We’re not just going to talk recovery. We’re going deep – exploring your past to find out why you’re stuck, and then using that knowledge to catapult you towards a future that's bright and brimming with potential. Fear of the unknown? Pfft, let's turn that into excitement.

The Key to Authentic Connections

Did you know that understanding yourself is the secret to genuine connections with others? I’ve walked this path, and now it's your turn. We'll dive into understanding your mind at a fundamental level, setting the stage for honest, authentic relationships.

Your Subconscious: The Untapped Goldmine

Your subconscious mind is like a treasure chest, and I’ve got the key. We'll explore your beliefs, thoughts, feelings – the whole shebang – to figure out what makes you tick and how we can tweak that to your advantage.

Solutions, Solutions, Solutions

Our sessions? They’re all about solutions. We're going to dig deep, uncover the root of your issues, and clear the path for your true, authentic self to emerge. Imagine feeling present, aligned, and clear about where you’re headed. That’s what we’re aiming for.

Ready to Embark on Your Journey?

So, are you ready to breathe out all that old stuff and step into a space of ease, clarity, and connection? It’s time to embrace creativity, recognize patterns, and cultivate a life of truth and alignment. Let’s leave behind the days of being stuck and sad – we’re done with that.

Let’s Make It Happen

If you’re ready to say ‘heck yes’ to clarity, connection, and a deep dive into your subconscious, let’s do this. It’s time to move forward with confidence, and I’m here to walk that path with you. Book a session with me, Josephine, and let's start this incredible journey together. Your new story starts now. Let's write it together.

