

What’s blocking relaxation?  At times, it’s going to be associated with what we recognise to be anxiety.

Anxiety is a reaction

Closely tied to your nervous system

While we physically experience anxiety:

Everything comes back to our thoughts - and the beliefs that influence them

Our subconscious mind is the part of us that communicates through feeling/emotions

Our emotions/reactions are often trying to either:

  • Protect us

  • Punish us

  • Prioritise us

Once we understand that anxiety is a reaction, created by the subconscious that’s trying to get us to take action - mitigating anxiety becomes manageable

I have anxiety’ VS ‘I am experiencing anxiety

When you say it out loud, which feels heavier?

Which statement feels like it holds space for you to explore and move through that experience?

We experience anxiety much the same as we do a sneeze

The body experiences an input, and reacts to this with an output - in this case, anxiety

Through being guided into a subconscious state - our alpha mind - we can understand why this is happening, while moving through the experience.

Knowledge is power, and knowledge through hypnosis takes us to the root of what’s going on - and what the anxiety is trying to achieve for us.

We can enter a state of mind that’s calm and focused: allowing us to objectively understand the purpose of the anxiety, and choose how we want to respond.

How to do this?

You’re going to do 3 things:

  1. look up

  2. breathe in deeeeeply and breathe out fully - creating space within your body

  3. the third time you breathe out, close your eyes down and feel that floating sensation

From this state: you will feel calm and centred

Guiding yourself through the anxious reaction, and towards feeling safe, supported and held by yourself

Asking your body ‘show me what relaxation feels like’ and follow the sense of calm, ease and peace that follows.

Affirming ‘I feel calm, I feel safe, I know I am supported, I am slowing down my thoughts because I can, and I am’

Leaning in, letting it in - knowing you are creating solutions for yourself that are simple, accessible and actionable.

The mechanism behind this is that your subconscious mind controls 93% of what you do.

It’s driving your heartbeat, your blinks, your nervous system.

Your subconscious mind is very literal: so by accessing the subconscious through hypnosis you can command, direct and show your mind how you want it to operate.

What’s key is that you believe in your ability to change your state of being - and you build this confidence through showing up, and exploring how hypnosis feels for you.

Never expect to ‘feel hypnotised’ - expect to feel relaxed, focus and like you’re floating. It’s like a state of hyperfocus that is innate to who we are as humans.

Your mind is always on your side, sometimes we need to update the belief systems it’s driving us upon.

Image by Jo Thorne


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