Intro to Subconscious Support

Today, let's dive deep into something super fascinating: your subconscious mind. It's like this incredibly powerful part of you, running the show behind the scenes, and guess what? It's always on your side, no kidding.

The Subconscious Mind: Your Body's Silent Partner

Your subconscious is like the unsung hero of your body, handling a whopping 95% of your functions. Think about your habits, emotions, creativity, even your beliefs and values – yep, that's all the subconscious at work. And here's a thought – conditions like ADHD and autism, some folks reckon they're tied up with hyper auto-immune responses. That's a story for another day, but right now, let's focus on the big player: your subconscious mind.

The Subconscious Talks in Dreams and Symbols

Ever wonder why those bedtime stories as a kid felt so magical? They were speaking the language of your subconscious – thoughts, feelings, memories, all wrapped up in metaphors and symbols. It's like your mind was tuning into its favorite bedtime channel, shaping how you see the world.

Bridging the Gap: Hypnosis and Your Subconscious

So, how do we get in touch with this powerhouse? Enter hypnosis. It's like the ultimate bridge to your subconscious. This isn't about losing control; it's about opening a direct line to that part of you that's running the show. You bypass the busybody conscious mind and get straight to where the real changes happen.

Your Mindset Matters

Here's the deal: how you see yourself, your identity, and perceptions, they're huge. If you're walking around thinking, "I'm broken, I can't do this," your subconscious is going to take that as a cue. It's like, "Okay, boss, let's do 'broken' and 'can't do this.'" Not the best way to run things, right?

My Journey: From Hell to Healing

I've been down the rabbit hole, tried all the fixes – psychologists, nutritionists, even meds. But the game-changer? That was when I started chatting with my subconscious. It was like, "Okay, what's the deal here? Why are we stuck in this funk?" And that's when things started shifting.

The Three P's: Protect, Punish, Prioritize

Your mind has got these three P's going on: protect, punish, prioritize. It's always rooting for you, in its own quirky way. Whether it's trying to shield you from something, teach you a lesson, or put your needs first, it's all about keeping you on track.

Why Hypnotherapy Rocks

Embracing hypnotherapy is like saying, "Hey, let's work together" to your subconscious. It's not just about tapping into it; it's about making it your ally. It's about moving from just knowing stuff to actually doing stuff – that's where the magic happens.

In Conclusion: You've Got the Power

So, there you have it. Your subconscious mind is this amazing resource you've got with you, all the time. Getting to know it, really working with it, can totally transform your life. It's not just some mystical, untouchable thing – it's practical, it's powerful, and it's yours to harness.

Image shot by Jo Thorne


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