(Hello, this is a transcription of a voice note I created recently - there’s a further deep dive on my podcast)

This is what you need to know about your subconscious mind so that you can utilise hypnotherapy and hypnosis in order to access and achieve a state of relaxation that feels nourishing, natural and familiar to you. Our mind is always on our side.

What I mean by this is, even though we experience symptoms, various conditions which make it feel otherwise our body is always creating reactions. And the reaction what tells the body to create these reactions is our subconscious mind. The way this works is because the subconscious mind is responsible for 95% of our bodily functions.

The subconscious mind is responsible for our habits or emotions or creativity, personality beliefs and values are short term memory, our patterns, cognitive, long term memory and cognitive biases, our automatic bodily functions and our immune system. This is the point in the talk where I bring our attention towards the fact that conditions such as ADHD and autism are closely related to and some people do deem them as hyper auto immune responses. We can discuss that one further in another talk but what we're focusing on today is the subconscious mind and what the subconscious mind can facilitate for us in terms of clarity, connection and a sense of ease and peace within our minds. Our bodies are beings. Within this talk the mind body being it's all interchangeable it's one system, something that's happening within your mind is going to be affecting what's happening in your body because every thought that we think, creates a blueprint, which our body must adhere to. Very powerful. So when they said the power of the mind they weren't joking. So who is they who are these people that have been operating within the realms of the subconscious mind and why haven't we heard more of it? My personal my personal understanding is because this works so well.

It will put so many industries out of business if we knew how to properly work with our subconscious mind. Marketing is done, advertising would be over a lot of the health industry would have to closely rethink what they were doing. So here's what we can do right here right now today. The subconscious mind is the domain of our permanent memories or feelings or beliefs, our behaviours, our thoughts, attitudes, and values and the subconscious mind speaks within the language of thoughts, feelings, memories, symbols, metaphors, and stories with which to communicate again bedtime stories before were being sent to sleep as a child suddenly making a bit more sense those books were all hypnosis, Little Timmy feeling so tired knowing that he's loved even though mommy really wants to go into bed right now. This all the language of the subconscious mind and I think in our popular culture, we've been led to believe that the unconscious mind is a mystery. It's this other life. You know, I put my feelings in a box. I don't want to go there. When we take that moment to find that peace and that spaciousness. And we find that within ourselves, we're creating it everything we experience, we create the reaction to just maybe, to give great example of this, I'm going to ask you to think about that person, that person that you miss that person that you miss so much. You had such a great time with them. It felt so good or if only notice what you're feeling right now.

Hopefully, we're feeling that sense of longing, that sense of love of being seen, heard understood, they're not here right now that you are because you are the one creating these sensations, these thoughts, these reactions. And this is really cool. And this is what we're going to be working with today. And this is something that you have access to all day, every day you always have access to your subconscious mind, and it always has access to you. So we want to be building that relationship with our subconscious mind a conscious present relationship with our subconscious so that we can really start living out the thoughts, the habits, the mindsets, the behaviours that are going to build up and create the lives that we wish to be living.

I had this brilliant thought recently of like mindset work, like mindset are like people who talk about mindset. It's not because they don't have anything else to say it's because it's that important that the way that your mind is set up. Are you setting your subconscious mind up for success, or for struggle? Where are we going right now with the two? What I mean by this is how do we talk to ourselves? When you catch your reflection in a car door in a mirror? What are you thinking? Are you looking for flaws? I need to change up that curve of my stomach needs to go or are we looking at ourselves? I love you. Oh, that's really cool. The work that we're doing looking for the benefits looking for the pros searching for the positives do we seek the positives or seek the struggle? Because what we really need to unknown understand that as our subconscious mind, it's going to do what we tell it. It's as autistic as I am, okay. If you go go over there, there might be some risk. Notice that PDA joke, but it's going to make that happen. I look so ugly. Okay. I will do that for you. I literally I feel like I'm dying. I'm so tired to some conscious mind. Oh, she feels tired. Let me create the appropriate reaction. This is so interesting. And so fascinating.

So, how do we access the subconscious mind this powerful 95% of our functioning? How do we get in there? We want to be doing is utilising the state of hypnosis. The state of trance because this is the bridge. This is the bridge the bypass factor that allows us to access the direct communication from the conscious mind. The place of decisions Critical Thinking planning judgement, willpower short term memory.

This hypnosis piece that is the brain boroughbridge To access the subconscious the subconscious, which is really what changes are made the arena of our lives while willpower is not needed. best intentions are irrelevant. This is where our actions and our reactions are made. So by utilising hypnosis we can create this bridge to disk have a discourse between the two and meeting with your mind.

Hypnosis I understand many of us are probably thinking odd. Weird, is it even real? Etc, etc. Again, like I said before, I believe the reason for this is because it works so well. Of course we've all been led to believe that that can be quite powerful because your mind is the most powerful tool on this planet.

The most powerful tool the mind is the realm of identity and perception and these two things, identity and perception really have a huge influence on the way in which we're moving through the world. For example, if my identity is I'm broken, my mind hates me. I can't concentrate. This is difficult. This is hard. It's so much easier for other people. The world wasn't designed for me.

What is that? Telling our subconscious mind? This is difficult. This is hard. Probably not going to try very like what? No, no, we're going to be operating from a place of rage and anger and again the reactions instead of living in our aligned truth of what it is that we really want. We're working in the reaction realm. I would like to caveat with I'm telling you this from not a textbook, shall we say the lived experience is strong hair as far as I know and recognise that it is an all of us. So my intention with all of this is that we're having this conversation. We're making this happen together. We're learning together. And what we're going to do through hypnosis is take ourselves from this point of awareness. I think we're all aware, taking ourselves from this point of awareness into action. The subconscious is the place where action happens. This is the tipping point. This is where the needle moves. This is where it all gets to change to upgrade to align into what we want. Because while I cannot I have no control over the world outside of me, I am solely responsible for what's going on in here. And it's been really fascinating on my own journey of going from abject hell too, what's unfolding to be a pretty interesting journey from working with the subconscious mind. That was the tipping point. I've worked with every my mother here as will tell you, we've worked with every nutritionist every psychologist, psychiatrist, inpatient facility, various drugs, legal and illegal, of course, none of it made a dent. We had some very good plaster moment someone might have spent half a decade of their life in variably stoned.

Didn't it didn't touch the sides. Really it took me out of the reality. But it didn't connect me into what I needed, which was to have again, that meeting with my mind that conversation with my subconscious where I could go right. What are we doing here? I am depressed and miserable. I can't relax. I feel horrendous every day. What do you think you're doing and when I eventually had that realisation, that commitment, that moment of trust going you know what, I've got so little to lose here. Let's do this. Let's do this journey. Is that the point where things began to change? Because in this meeting with this mind, they had this conversation where we're in we could go alright, the anxiety I'm trying to protect you that crushing depression yet I do feel that you need to be punished. The PMDD that you're experiencing, as in You're a psycho person, two weeks before your period every month without fail since the age of 13. Yeah, I'm trying to protect you mate, trying to keep you safe.

What are you talking about? And this brings us into one of three intentions called the three P's protects, punish, prioritise. Our mind is always on our side. It's either trying to protect us to prioritise us or it feels that we need to be punished for some sort of divine beneficial reason the mind is always on our side. So when I'm working with my clients from everything from cancer, emetophobia OCD all the way into the other arena to I don't feel loved. I can't keep a job. I don't have any sort of self worth or value.

All of these come back to very similar reasonings. The body is always trying to keep us safe. It's trying to keep us alive. Its job is to keep us safe. And it perceives itself to be moving us from pain to pleasure. Now, you're thinking, Well why am I experienced the things I'm experiencing somewhere along the line, your subconscious mind picks up the knowledge that certain reactions, anxiety binge eating, inability to focus to the most extreme scale, you've personally have a witness. All of these reactions were serving some kind of benefit to you at some time. By working from this place of understanding and empathy, we can rewrite these reactions to truly benefit us - within the lives we are living now. The opportunity to upgrade our reactions and responses to align to our current life is where the game changes for good.


“Why isn’t anyone talking about this?” Effective treatment for PMDD is already here.


How what we suppress tends to be expressed through symptoms