How what we suppress tends to be expressed through symptoms

“I can’t express myself”

“I don’t feel safe”

“I am too much”

Our mind takes this as an instruction.

Our thoughts influence the actions we take, both out in the world and within our bodies.

What we cannot express tends to be suppressed.

Suppression of emotions (energy in motion) pushes these experiences to be expressed by the body.

Enter: physical symptoms.

The belief that we cannot express ourselves pushes our emotions (energy in motion) to be expressed by the body.

Even if we believe that we have something ‘in a box to be dealt with later’ the physical symptoms are expressing those feelings instead.

These physical symptoms can range from migraines, fibromyalgia to inaction such as executive dysfunction and dissociation.

Whatever our mind perceives will best move us from pain to pleasure.

Many of us experiencing chronic conditions are led to believe that there’s little we can do, and most interventions seem very challenging.

When we work with the subconscious mind, we are creating intuitive support that works with us.

No willpower, habit change or daily choices are necessary.

Subconscious work invites us to imagine how it would feel to be safe within our bodies, aware that our emotions are information which we can respond to from a place of clarity, ease and curiosity.

How would it feel to be safe within yourself, to feel really supported?

This approach takes our symptoms, reactions and messages from our body and frames them as information that we have choice in how we wish to respond.

You’re welcomed into feeling connected and able to command your mind, body and being.

The outcomes I achieve with clients are powerful because my clients audacity to compel, command and direct their minds towards creating outcomes that work for who they are today - is so exceptional.

This work isn’t for everyone, yet those who claim the power of their minds are rewarded with outstanding change for the better.




Reclaiming my life